3 Content Marketing Mistakes That Can Torpedo Your Traffic

Local Leap Marketing Content

Content marketing is all the rage, and it seems like every business is trying to outdo the competition on this front. It’s not just enough to have a blog anymore, now you need to have a YouTube channel, or a Pinterest following, or any of a dozen other avenues potential customers will use to snap up your content.

However, while the vehicle through which you deliver your content is important, it’s equally important to remember that there’s more to content marketing than the form your content takes. There are plenty of pitfalls out there, and here are the three top that a business needs to be aware of.

3 Content Marketing Mistakes That Can Torpedo Your Traffic

Mistake #1: Forgetting It’s Not About You

Content marketing is about creating content, but it’s important to remember why you’re creating content. You’re making it for your audience. It’s not about you, it’s about them. Keep that in the front of your mind, and remember to take your ego out of the equation.

Mistake #2: Unreliable Effort

You could be the most brilliant content creator the market has ever seen, but the quality of your content is only one aspect of your campaign. You also need to be reliable, or your audience is going to dwindle. Most people would rather get something good every Friday like clockwork than getting something fantastic one week, and then be left twisting in the wind regarding the next update.

Mistake #3: Not Listening to Feedback

Again, when you create content, you are creating it first and foremost for your audience. So if you do something your audience loves (or hates), then you need to pay attention to that. You want them to keep coming back, and to share with as many of their friends as possible.

These are just a few of the big mistakes companies getting into content marketing can make. If you need more advice, and perhaps a little guidance, simply contact us today!