4 Reasons Blogging Is Essential for SEO

One of the best ways to boost your SEO campaign is to start blogging. Blogging has many benefits, especially for search engine optimization. Here are four reasons why blogging is essential for SEO.

4 Reasons Blogging Is Essential for SEO

Fresh Content

Google factors fresh content into their ranking algorithm. Sites that post fresh content on a regular basis will see their rankings improving, while sites that neglect their blog usually see a drop in their rankings and traffic. Keep your blog fresh and Google will love you.


The more you blog, the better your chances are of appearing in searches. It’s simple, really. The more content you produce, the more long-tail keywords your site will rank for. Blogging is a sure way to increase your traffic.


Backlinks are an important ranking factor for Google, Yahoo and Bing. However, without quality content, you probably won’t attract many backlinks. Nobody wants to link to a page advertising your plumbing service or a product page selling plastic forks. If you produce blog posts with quality information, people will link to them. Creating infographics is another way to increase the chances of getting a link.

Social Signals

Social signals are another ranking factor. Google takes into account how popular your site is on social media. Without a blog, very few people will share your site on social media. When you produce interesting content, people will be happy to share your posts with their friends. Include social sharing buttons on your site to increase the chances of your posts getting shared.

For help with blogging and SEO, contact us today!