How to Protect Your Website from Malware and Hacking

As a blogger, your greatest nightmare is waking up to the fact that your website has been hacked. Whether it will be replaced by characters of a foreign language, adult or illegal content, or anything else, it makes no difference — it will ruin your reputation. Even worse is if your website will be hacked to download malware to visitors’ computers without you ever finding out. Here are some tips to protect your blog from malware and viruses if you are using WordPress.

How to Protect Your Website from Malware and Hacking

WordPress & Plugins

One of the easiest ways to hack a WordPress website is by exploiting a security bug in a WordPress plugin, theme, or even WordPress itself. WordPress is constantly updating its version to fix these bugs, so make sure you have the latest version installed. Plugins and themes should also be kept up to date.

Know What You’re Installing

Until now, we’ve discussed updating your plugins and themes. Only install plugins and themes from developers that you can trust to keep your site safe.

Install a Security Plugin

There are many free plugins that protect your WordPress blog. Popular plugins include BulletProof, WordFence, and iThemes Security. These plugins install firewalls, conduct regular scans, and ward off brute force attacks.

Do Regular WordPress Backups

Keep backing up your WordPress website. You can download an XML file of your articles, blogs, and comments with WordPress’ exporter tool. To back up your entire site, use a plugin such as BackUpBuddy, BackWPup, or BackUpWordPress. Be sure to also backup your files from the hosting server.

Discover more about keeping your website secure by contacting us today. Let our experienced team at Local Leap Marketing help you get the most out of your website today.